Tag Archives: consciousness

Being Positive About Being Positive…

Anyone who knows me knows that I love social media, Twitter, WordPress, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook… they’re all on my laptop, my tablet and my iphone and I use them daily… a few times… ok more than a few times. 😉

Of course those of my friends that follow any of my profiles on these, are well aware of my positive attitude to life and most are pretty understanding as they known of my struggles in life and know it’s because of my positive attitude that I’m still here. Many of my ‘siblings’ are not so lucky because of drugs, suicide, murder and that all consuming spiral that goes from abandonment, neglect and abuse to self-loathing, self-harm and self-destruct. Of course you know I’ve been there, sometimes the worst abuse a victim of abuse suffers is ultimately the abuse they cause themselves… drugs, self-harm, suicide attempts, alcohol, men, all those things that can be used negatively when the hatred of oneself takes over and all too often destroys from the inside out. It’s amazing that isn’t it? That the destruction starts from within? On the outside the person looks normal and in control, until the effects start to show on the outside, by then its far too late to be able to do anything to reverse the process.

So it took me many many years to realise that I deserved better than I had got up to that point. I realised that it wasn’t the things that I experienced that shaped me but the way I dealt with them and how I allowed them to affect me.I became so determined not to allow my upbringing destroy me or allow the cycle to continue so I started to take a moment each morning to reflect on what I wanted from the day and I read a positive affirmation to reinforce the knowledge that I was only going to focus on the positive things.

When life started to get more and more positive and I became a happier person, I looked around at my friends and became despondent… I felt so happy and positive about life but those I love were still unhappy and going through their own traumas over and over again and I wanted to do something to help them, so I shared some positivity. I would post a positive affirmation or quote every morning and a humorous one liner every evening. I started to see more positive statuses and tweets from friends who had started to look for the more positive things in their days.

Now this leads me to today, I hadn’t posted so many positive quotes for a while so I made a conscious effort to post one every morning again. Last week 2 people sent me messages having a ‘moan’ about me being ‘overly positive’ and said it’s ‘annoying’. Then someone made a funny comment about it in passing and someone close to me agreed that i came across overly positive and it really hurt my feelings. I can’t get my head around how a person can be viewed as overly positive or too happy? At least I’m not a miserable bastard, when I do have a bad day and have a good old rant, it’s usually warranted but to be accused of being too happy? What do people want from me?!

I’ve decided to have this rant with a f*ck ’em attitude and get back to being positive. I had a negative attitude to life for far too long and I won’t go back there. I believe in the law of attraction and like attracts like. I’m generally a happy person, I know I have a long way to go but I don’t tend to dwell so much on the negative nowadays and I’ve learnt to deal with my past for the most part. If people cant celebrate that accomplishment with me then it’s their problem.

As they say “Don’t let the bastards get you down’…

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Posted by on September 17, 2013 in Believe, Faith, Life, The Past., Thoughts


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My Reasons.

Ok, in my last post I outed my Pagan beliefs and this has obviously bothered some of my friends so I’d like to explain a little, particularly on behalf of my many, many Pagan and Wiccan friends.

I’d like to start by apologising in advance if anything I say here offends anyone, I can assure you this is certainly not my intention, I’d never wish to hurt someone’s feelings, least of all my friends.

Right, firstly there is obviously still a stigma that goes along with being Pagan/Wiccan.

Firstly I’d like to explain the word witch. The root wit in the word just means wise. The word witcraft was shortened to witch and it just means craft of the wise. You have to remember that the early Christians from Rome who bought Christianity to Europe were so determined in their quest to convert they used propaganda, torture and genocide. The ones who stayed strict to their Pagan beliefs were seen as rebellious and going against ‘God’ and were tortured and killed in barbaric ways. (drowned, burned alive, etc) people in those days saw this as entertainment. Laws were passed against witchcraft and were only repealed in 1951! So dedicated witches who wanted to preserve the religion were forced underground and formed secret ‘covens’.

“Although the word Witch is hated the word Pagan still rings alarm bells in the minds of many Christians or people in the sub-Christian culture. Why? Because Paganism was the enemy within. The church of Rome was determined to stamp it out by any means available and successfully built up an image of evil around Pagans so that even today ordinary people think Pagans and/or Witches sacrifice babies, perform evil spells and so on. The church also masked out or absorbed Pagan celebrations, for example Jesus was not born on the 25th December but was more probably born around April in 7 BCE. This was moved to the 6th January (the Eastern Orthodox church still uses that date). Then at the council of Niceae in 325 the western Christian church persuaded Emperor Constantin to move the celebration of the birth of Jesus to that other celebration of the birth of the sun, in Roman times the festival of Mithras, the God of Light at the winter solstice (which was thought to be 25th December).” (taken from Isle of Avalon, a great Pagan site with a wealth of information)

Witches were (and are) great healers, using the things that nature freely gives to us they were able to cure a great many ailments. This is a craft that is fast being recognised as the way forward. People are starting to use those age old ‘spells’ again!

Before I even realised I was swaying toward Paganism, I have a cupboard full of arnica for bruising/swelling, echinacea and garlic capsules to ward away those colds, lavender to aid sleep, willow bark to ease cold and flu symptoms, ginger root to help with sickness (I have had 5 babies after all!) and way too many more to go through! I would once have been told these were nothing less than witchcraft and if I wanted to feel better then I should just pray!

Anyway, my answer to those questions “But don’t you think being Pagan is a bit far fetched? I mean it is a bit weird isn’t it?”

Firstly no, I don’t think it’s far fetched to believe in a God and Goddess. It takes a male and a female to create life, so why would it seem strange to have a male God and female Goddess who each have different roles but are equally as important as each other? Don’t we want our children to be raised to know that men and women are equal?

It is my belief that Christianity in it’s early form (and even now in some ways) oppressed women. Men were allowed to be educated, women were not, women were forced to marry without having any say, women were not able to be important parts of the church (ie priests) and men were most certainly more ‘important’ than women. It has taken centuries for women to be accepted as equal in our society and in some ways society as a whole still has many prejudices against women.

I don’t think it’s far fetched to revere nature. We cannot live without it, simple. So if I’m thankful for nature, then I’m not being weird, I’m being grateful for something I know we can’t survive without.

I don’t think it’s far fetched to believe in reincarnation. We are made of energy, energy is transferred (scientific fact) so it makes sense to me that when my body is dead, my spiritual energy is transferred.

It’s much more believable than when I was raised a Christian that If I behave, I’ll go to ‘Heaven’ (when the Old Testament… the word of God, doesn’t mention humans going to heaven) and if I’m ‘bad’ I’ll go to hell. Forever…

Sounds like a way of regulating human behaviour to me.
Don’t sin… Love thy neighbour… as long as he’s not gay, having sex before marriage, having sex for enjoyment, using contraception, masturbating, lying, having an affair, wears clothing designed for the opposite sex, is a prostitute or reading Harry Potter!
Ok, I’m taking it to the extreme here, but this is what has been done to the Old and New Testaments in translation.  It’s always interpretated by different people with different views which sends different messages. In translation the word for ‘inn’ has more than one meaning as does the word ‘hate’ (which can mean dislike strongly, or detached) so I always found it difficult to know what the interpretations were.
I found it hard to believe in a God that condemned people to death. Parts of the Old Testament (God’s word) are full of murder, rape, abortion and genocide. Leviticus 20:13, Leviticus 20:9, Leviticus 21:9,Numbers 5:11-21, Numbers 31:17,  1 Kings 20:35-36, 2 Kings 2:23-24, Exodus 31:12-15, Hosea 9:11-16, Isaiah 13:15-18 are a few of the things that I find hard to imagine a God so right and true, would condone.

I think my big problem with Christianity, and my reasons for change, is that there was too much ‘demanding that man should do’  going on and then contradicting itself. The Old Testament was supposed to be God’s word, surely God’s word is final unless He gives it again? But then we are supposed to believe that God… God of the Jews (as Jesus was) takes his kingdom away from the Jews? God says bad people go to hell then (in the New Testament) it’s said that if they repent, they’ll not.

I put it to a Christian friend that if a 15 year old girl walked into her church and declared she was pregnant with God’s son but had never had sex, would they embrace her as the Mother of God’s son, or call social services and claim she was crazy… there was a lot of umming and erring but no definitive answer. Surely if you believe in the story of Jesus, then you’d embrace her? Just my opinion.

I have a problem with the Christian Sabbath being on a Sunday. The bible states that God rested on the seventh day, Saturday, and blessed that day as a day of rest. it is observed in the Ten Commandments so why was it changed to the day that many Pagan’s worship the Sun god?

Christmas is another contradiction. Yule is a Pagan festival, as Easter is a Pagan festival of rebirth.

The bottom line is this, No-one can (or should) dictate to another on what they should believe, nor mock them, calling them weird or far fetched. All religions are based on a belief system that cannot be proved no disproved. They all have the influence of man, who makes mistakes even when passing on a story however true, so things get altered or lost in translation.

I still respect my Christian friends, my Muslim friends, My Sikh friends, my Jewish friends and my athiest friends among others. I respect them and their beliefs, I don’t see them as weird or wrong, just as they are, their beliefs. I respect them as I do those who believe that their child is the most intelligent/best looking in the world. lol

Paganism is NOT bad, as with any religion it is open to abuses (as we’ve seen with the Christian Crusades or the Muslim Extremists for starters)

If you look at the history of Paganism, nature revering religions, most are looked at as being peaceful… the Native Americans, Aborigines, Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans, Japanese, Indians, etc all have very similar beliefs, but they don’t have the stigma that we seem to have. Paganism is on the increase in Europe, people are looking into it and realising it makes sense to them.

To the friends who have contacted me to tell me they’ve been in the broom closet for years and are afraid to ‘come out’ to friends and family, well I hope that one day you’ll be able to practice your religion with pride. Until then, I’m always here.

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Posted by on October 24, 2012 in Believe, Faith, Life, Thoughts


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Something That Really Grabs my Interest.

Sometimes I read something that really grabs my interest. My husband thinks my positive thinking is somewhat annoying sometimes, but I just see it as a positive thing to be positive! What is there to gain by being negative? Nothing… but there is an abundance to gain by being positive.

“Consciousness is the pure form of energy that imparts

structure into everything you experience, and it

contains the sum of all your experiences, knowledge,

and wisdom. It is your higher being that gave you the

form you have and a percentage of your higher being is

the consciousness that you are aware of in the physical




Jessica Bailey

The world that you are familiar with is the physical world and it is made up of energy formed into dense structures called atoms, molecules, cells and matter. This world by observation follows a set of laws that were derived by science and are called Newtonian Physics. These observations allow matter to be made into many things as evidenced by the technology in the world around you.

The fact is that this world of matter is not REAL. It is animated and structured from the level of consciousness which is the REAL part.

Consciousness is the pure form of energy that imparts structure into everything you experience, and it contains the sum of all your experiences, knowledge, and wisdom. It is your higher being that gave you the form you have and a percentage of your higher being is the consciousness that you are aware of in the physical world.

If you reconnect completely with your higher consciousness and begin to understand the Laws of the Universe then you can finally make sense out of the experience we call life here in this physical level.

Science and engineering understand the fundamental laws of thermodynamics that matter and energy can never cease to exist they only transmute into a new form.

The well known equation of Albert Einstein


combined wave theory and the fundamental laws of particles and recognized that matter and energy are proportional. This simple truth has been proven by nuclear reactors and nuclear warheads and demonstrates the fact that everything is made up of energy. Matter is just energy formed into various structures vibrating at different frequencies.

The same understanding that allowed man to build nuclear power plants and nuclear warheads forms the basis for understanding that your consciousness is energy and it is the part of you that is REAL not the physical matter it assembled here to sense and experience.

Law of Attraction (1)

Like attracts like, and our mind is a reflection of what is to manifest. Feelings are the result of a thought that creates a wave of energy that goes out into the cosmos thus creating a reaction of the same that returns.

The Intentions you set, the thought you create with those intentions, the feelings you have that impart strength to those intentions are broadcast into the universe. When they return they complete and begin to manifest in your presence.

They also bring back things that resonate with clouded understandings and those conflicts as well as the other things you were intending. This is the mechanism where you attract things that you believe you did not ask for.

The signal you sent, the intentions, with thoughts and feelings radiates into the universe and the things that are needed to bring about an outcome that fits with your signal are attracted to your presence because they resonate with the signal you sent.

The people and opportunities that are attracted to you resonate when they approach you so they will catch your attention. You can learn to respond to your intuition and listen. In this way you attract, then notice what you are asking for and begin to move toward the intentions you create. The universe will respond to your intention and it will manifest.

The simple way to visualize how resonance works is to use the physical example of tuning forks. You are sending a message and for this example let\’s say you are vibrating at the frequency of a ‘C’ tuning fork. Other tuning forks in the area, for instance a ‘B’ are unaffected and do not begin to resonate and vibrate without being struck. Since they do not resonate you ignore them in the crowd of things around you.

This changes when something that is of like energy and is attuned to you, it creates a same frequency of ‘C’. When it gets near it begins to resonate and vibrate simply by being near your ‘C’ radiation.

This is how you recognize what is being attracted to you. The things that catch your attention and draw you to them are the things that are being attracted, and that resonate. The subtle feeling of resonance is your intuition telling you to pay attention to that person or place.

Your intuition appears to you as an affinity or a willingness to be close to that person or place. It also shows up as a sense that you need to speak to a particular person as you encounter them.

The recognition that this is the method of creation behind your experiences gives you an awareness to begin to use and train your consciousness to influence the physical manifestation around you in new ways.

There is a catch to this because all the laws of the universe work simultaneously. You must learn the process and how to attach feelings to the intentions so they broadcast a clear powerful message.

Feelings provide you with the real guidance to help you know what to do. Emotions are a cloud of misunderstanding and reactions that make it impossible to notice the subtle feelings and intuition you need to follow.

A person is much more complex than a single frequency of a tuning fork. Think of a person as radiating a sound pattern of an entire orchestra with a hundred instruments. Some of the instruments are beautifully tuned and some are flat, sharp, or even out of key.

Recognize this and work to improve yourself. Let go of physical worldly goals and see them as part of your experience that can help you to recognize some truth about yourself.

Law of Deliberate Creation (2)

When you purposely state your intentions in the morning and add the thoughts and feelings each day it is sending a consistent message and you can direct what you will attract on a daily basis.

The Law of Deliberate Creation says that we are sure to manifest and receive what we have set out for ourselves and are consistent, practicing a conscious discipline to work towards it every day. We are sure without a doubt that we shall receive it.

When you recognize that your physical form is only an instrument of your higher being and you begin to listen to and ask your higher being for direction you come into harmony with the law of attraction and deliberate creation.

You can choose which viewpoint to live in. Choose the one that attracts the things you want not the things you do not want.

Law of Allowing (3)

There is another aspect of this that is not understood by many people in how the law of attraction and deliberate creation in fact operate. If you are in a relationship where someone is constantly doing things you do not like and you want to use deliberate creation to change them you have failed to understand the third law, the law of allowing.

The law of allowing implies that you should accept everyone\’s path as their own and not interfere with the way others are working towards their wisdom. You are not limited by anyone else\’s choices and are able to follow your own conviction with certainty and should do so without listening to others. This is the law of allowing.

When you grasp the implications of the law of allowing it ends conflict. It simply says if we disagree we will begin to go in different directions where you can have it your way and not affect me.

As we are pure consciousness you would understand the absolute truth that your universe will create and only include those things that our consciousness requires for it to expand and accumulate the appropriate information.

Law of Karma (4)

The law of Karma is the absolute infallibility of Cause and Effect. When you cause something to happen you set in motion the conditions that will create the effect. That effect is the result of that cause, and that continuum cannot be stopped or prevented. Every action creates an equal reaction. Whatever your do will be reflected back onto you in a way that will affect you in the same way but perhaps a different scenario at another time in the future.

Karma (action) requires three conditions for the same action to reoccur. Place, time and the persons involved must be appear again at a determinate time in the future for the event to reoccur. Most of the time these events occur when all parties and conditions are met and ready to meet again. As each and every one of us have a different collection of karma and lessons to learn we can at times wait many life times before the event is presented to us again. It will also continue to reoccur until you recognize what has happened, take responsibility for the action as you were the one that began the cycle or were in some part of the event.

If you steal something from someone you may not be seen or held accountable for it in the present. Karma on the other hand will repeat it and something will be taken from you.

Karma always enforces the experience you created so you may understand the consequences of your action and can learn from them.

Karma never sleeps. Your actions are recorded in your consciousness stream because it generates a wave of energy out into the cosmos with the intention to return. Your consciousness knows all that is has done. Karma applies to conscious actions with intention. Things that are done under the control of someone else have a lesser degree of karma attached to them. Only beings with consciousness accumulate karma and do not escape its boomerang effect. Natural occurrences created by the planet and lower forms of life like animals cannot create karma.

Law of Enlightenment (5)

The law on enlightenment is about achieving higher levels of knowledge and awareness that produces higher wisdom. It amasses energy and creates new energy systems based on our special, unique gifts that we develop through time.

When our higher being is directed by a higher guidance to move in a certain direction to achieve something that is required to fulfill a need in the cosmos, our consciousness is pushed in that direction to work for the higher being to achieve it.

There are infinite levels of enlightenment which are also called dimensions. A dimension is an energy level that can communicate and share its gifts with the rest of the cosmos aiding it and other beings to do the same and rise up to their higher ability.

The law of enlightenment says that without experience and careful processing and integration of our being we cannot experience great awakening. It is important that we rise up slowly and diligently, thus, creating the most ideal conditions and foundations for our consciousness in order for the effects to remain growing consistently.

Law of Giving (6)

Light is the key to understanding the Law of Giving. Energy is light, light is energy, and our consciousness (energy) exists in the form of clear light which contains its own DNA structure that manifests more energy that is given and shared with others beings and our community in the universe.

Giving has nothing to do with generosity although it is a higher form of expanding what we have in order to expand together.

When we understand that we are not separate from one another and we share the world, the cosmos, the air, the water, etc., the more we expand as an individual, the more we can expand as a community and rise up collectively to achieve a group enlightenment so the Law of Giving allows us a powerful way to create that quickly using our ability to visualize and manifest.

Law of Directing Your Energy (7)

Directing your energy is about realizing the way that you are able to direct your energy using your gifts and merit that you have accumulated to ask for the direction to move in.

When you find the correct direction, you find yourself on an energy wave that is the right one for you, hence it creates a collection of events on all levels that pushes you forward and not get off-course.

Law of Looking for the Path (8)

This law has everything to do with looking for and finding the path that is suitable to your development. After you find the energy wave that pushes you forward, you must look for the way that you will achieve higher levels, earn gifts and talents that resonate with your being.

Once you find that path, you make a commitment, or a vow to keep to that path and discipline yourself using discrimination in order to keep to the middle path and not swing too far to either side creating excessive or fanatical ways of practicing on your path. Maintaining a flexible attitude about your learning and experiential process is the best way to keep to the path.

Law of Focusing to Move Forward (9)

Setting a goal and visualizing ourselves into the future is the way we practice the Law of Moving Forward. It is action yoga to see ourselves doing exactly what it is that we wish to do with our partner and in a group.

First we must rise our energy up, lifting our aspiration to do the highest good for ourselves without hurting others. Once we have lifted our motivation and mindset up, we can begin to move forward and it can be achieved quickly.

There is a meditation that is used to activate the moving forward yoga. You can begin by focusing on a point in front of you and picture the reason you are moving forward and then swing your head to the right breathing through your solar plexus chakra and see yourself pushing forward energy placing you in the future.

Law of Asking (10)

Asking is the correct protocol when connecting to the cosmos and our higher beings. We also use the Law of Asking when we connect with our spiritual guardians for guidance and direction.

The Universe doesn\’t know what you want unless you ask and you must ask with a strong commitment that you will use what you ask for, plus you must feel humility and gratitude for the fact that you can ask.

When high beings ask for things, they ask with a sense of appreciation for who they are and even though we may not know who we are asking, we still feel that we are asking someone that is higher and more capable than we are, so we ask with devotion.

Law of Seeing to Focus on Creating (11)

Seeing is a gift and using the creative power to see is an even bigger ability when you can tap into it. The Universe contains and thrives off an energy called the Creative Power and within it is a dimension that we tap into that we can see. There we place those things we wish to create.

For example, let us say we decide to build a community where the inhabitants are supportive and very conscious of each other and the effects created. We use our ability to see the way we are going to achieve it and get there. This Law creates for us the conditions and space in which it can be created on the energy field. The manifestation of the creative exists on various levels and when the completion of it becomes a reality, it can produce the next opportunity to arise that will create the next vision.

With our ability to see, we are creating a trend that creates a chain of events that can lead you with your group to higher and a more long-lasting creative process.

Law of Looking at Things as They Really Are (12)

Without this law we are unable to realize the true reality of everything around us. There are many things that must be removed and recognized before we can practice this law.

First there is ego or the mind which is only an instrument to get us to connect with our consciousness completely. Then there is wrong view and sometimes murky thinking that does not let us recognize our karmic experiences we are experiencing. However, when all these details are attended to and/or while these are being resolved, consciousness can surface and begin to experience the true nature of things.

Our family and society creates wrong views about ourselves and what part we play in it. We must first remove ourselves from these influences in order to experience directly. We should not listen to others if we are not resonating with what they are saying or doing. When we recognize what pushes and pulls us, we can begin to look at things as they really are and the ascension to wisdom becomes clear and direct.

We are then able to raise our thinking and apply our actions accordingly moving us in the direction that we aspire to be. This is creating the conditions for us to focus on our inner development and connect deeply to our feelings and begin to live life in the now. With this completed we can begin to see ourselves more accurately and the effects that we are creating with our actions, thoughts and speech.

Seeing ourselves as we truly are sets the tone for shifting our energy into a vibration frequency that can affect our environment. This begins the creative process with a new light dedicated to building a community with the right mindset and approach. This can move us away from the present unhappy situation most of us find ourselves in.

Our understanding of our true reality surface and we can see our family and community with compassion and understanding of how we can serve as a better example. When we practice all these laws and integrate them into our patterns we can create and open a new path for others to follow without diverting them from their path. We are all then able to look up together positively and move forward with great commitment and enthusiasm.

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Posted by on August 2, 2011 in Believe, Family, Life, Thoughts


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